Don't toss, donate, or give away anything if you are considering a sale.
Call us for a complimentary consultation first!
When faced with the task of cleaning out a family member's house or preparing for a move, many people start with filling trash bags or making trips to the local charity. We do not advise this if you are considering a sale. Getting rid of small, usable, or valuable items to "clean up the place" may harm the success of your sale.
What is easy for you to remove, is easy for shoppers to buy. And the reverse is true also; what is difficult for you to load up and donate is also challenging for shoppers to purchase during a traditional two-day estate sale. We can't stress this enough...FURNITURE IS THE HARDEST SELL and does not in itself create a successful sale. If you have furniture to get rid of, you will need to have other desirable items in your home to drive traffic to your sale. The most successful sales are those which offer items from every category - household goods, small appliances, art, electronics, clothing, jewelry, tools, vintage items, garage items, etc.
Before you do anything.....CONTACT US! We know current market trends and what is desirable to buyers today. We are happy to visit your home for a free consultation and to provide guidance. We will advise you how to proceed if your home doesn't have enough for a traditional sale, or if you have just a few desirable items worthy of marketing. If you need to hire a dumpster or a cleaning crew, we can provide referrals. If your realtor is urging you to declutter to get your house on the market, we can advise you how to edit and store your items for a successful future sale.
Most importantly, allow enough time prior to putting your home on the market or your closing date for a successful sale. Contact us at the same time you contact your realtor, or at least 4-8 weeks before you need a sale. We usually begin set-up 2 to 3 weeks prior to the sale date to allow ample time for marketing the sale.
What you can do now to prepare for a sale:​
remove, shred, discard personal photos, papers, & records
box up and remove or isolate in one room any items you plan to keep
if extended family is involved, plan a time for them to identify anything they are keeping and make a plan remove it prior to the sale
then walk away and leave the sorting of everything else to us!